RAID Content highlight - "Strong point"

Hey Raiders!

Without further ado, here is our look at an all new content reveal for RAID: World War II!

We decided to keep the action pace for this showcase but add an air of mystery and suspense.

Introducing Strong Point!

Deep in the alps is Castle Schloss Blomberg. A mysterious place that isn’t easy to get to, where the Nazis secretly have been planning their campaigns across Europe.

Mrs White has been informed by her network that two very valuable assets have been captured… Generals from the eastern Russian flank. The RAID Gang can’t make their way through the rugged terrain with checkpoints all the way to the castle, so they have only one option… parachute in!

This level has the RAID gang finding their only option is to assault their way through the eerie castle, and with time running out before the Generals have had valuable information extracted from them, what hard decisions will the RAID Gang have to take!?

Ilija, over and out!