Hey Raiders!

Welcome to Day 2 of our week-long content highlight! This time, we have opted for some blood-pumping action waiting for you on September 26th in RAID: World War II.

Introducing Gold Rush!

Here the RAID Gang have one job and one job only, hit the Nazis hard where it hurts!

As we all know gold is hoarded during times of war and Nazi gold is something to behold. So what better way than the RAID Gang go in hard and take down their most valuable Treasury.

I always have an adrenaline rush when playing this mission, and I think you and your RAID team will enjoy going in guns blazing while trying to find the best way into the Treasury. It isn’t going to be an easy ride, getting in, but an explosive “ride” getting away… (hope you get what I mean there :) ).

We wanted to make this one feel like an action movie with an exciting exit.

Mrs White wants to drain the Nazi party of as much Gold as possible, so she sends in the RAID Gang to Blast and steal their way in and out. The RAID Gang aren’t alone and Sabre Squadron, the elite bomber pilots are sent in to help! This is a large urban area with multiple ways through. How will the RAID Gang utilize Sabre Squadron to help out!? I guess you’re going to make that “call”!