Hey Raiders!
Welcome to the weekly newsletter!

Thanks to everyone that voted! This week we will add the Ithaca into the game for you all to enjoy!

STG Sight Fix
We noticed that some of you still had the STG sight not being disable-able. So, we looked into that and the fix will be in this week’s patch.

XP bonus added back
There were a few posts about the desire for the XP bonus to be added back, so we have adjusted the statistics so that it will be in each of the loot boxes on the end of mission reward screen.

Update on the Kelly Map
Thanks to everyone that joined our Friday stream, but for all those that didn’t, here are some updates of what we showed and wanted to. These will all be in the game when the new Kelly level is launched!

Work in progress screenshots

We will tweak the suspicion phase so that enemies don’t instantly call out to other enemies and go into alert mode, this way you will be able to take down enemies and have a better chance at Stealth in levels.