Hey Raiders!

Welcome back to the weekly newsletter!

We hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year!

So, as we spin up development again, this week will be a bug fixed focused patch, and more of that below. But we want you all to know there are some content updates planned in the not too distant future!

Weekly Patch

We fixed a few different bugs for this week, and more to come in the following weeks but some highlights include among other things: the grenade melees not doing damage, enemy spawns being stopped when standing in certain locations, and a recoil issue on the Sten.

Silo Level

Don’t worry we haven’t forgotten about the new Silo level and we should be able to make an announcement about the release date soon!


Next week we will announce more information on the next weapon to be released! Keep your eyes peeled for that!

Grind Update

We have been looking at fixing the “grind” that many of you still feel exist. We are working on it, and soon we will give you an update to the intended solution we have.

That’s all for this week, but as we get back into routine, expect more news!