Hey Raiders!

Halloween has come and gone, and we hope you all had a good time. We have been heads down, super busy getting the new content ready to be released.

Here is some information on what’s going on with RAID this week:

Halloween Event Removal

So, this week we are removing the Halloween event from RAID, but don’t worry, your cards are safe and you can still use them after the event.

Bug Fixes

This week we have been focusing on Last Orders level with some changes to the level script. We also fixed the damage radius of the Concrete grenade amongst other bug fixes.

Weapon Development Status

We are internally working on finalising the TT33 pistol and the DP Degtyaryov machine gun, and we wanted to let you know we aim to have them ready for release on next week’s patch update!

New Level

For the ones that joined our weekly developer Stream on Twitch, we showed you something new we have been working on, but so you all know, we have a new level on the way! Code name “Silo” will be with you in the not too distant future!

Meanwhile here are some screenshots of what’s to come:

Weekly Stream

As usual we will have our weekly Stream on Twitch on Friday, join us!