Hey Raiders!

Welcome to the weekly RAID: World War II weekly patch!
As always, we bring you our promised content with the game localised to Simplified Chinese, and we also have included a new Grenade! You voted for it, so we brought it. Have fun with the Concrete Grenade, and go make some things go boom!

Weekly Stream
Tomorrow we will be doing our weekly stream! Join us while we talk about a whole range of topics for RAID: World War II

This update to RAID: World War 2 includes the following changes and fixes:

  • The Concrete Grenade has been added to the game!
  • The Concrete Grenade creates a more powerful blast than the standard M24 Stielhandgranate, but the low amount of metal in its construction means its fragmentation effect is reduced - as such, it deals more damage than the M24, but has a smaller area of effect
  • The Concrete Grenade becomes available to the Demolitions class at Level 6, to the Insurgent class at Level 7 and to the Assault and Recon classes at Level 8

  • RAID: World War 2 can now be played with the Simplified Chinese character set

  • The base XP reward has been increased for The Amber Train, Trainwreck, Odin’s Fall, Gold Rush, Wiretap and Strongpoint
  • The positions of dog tags on Wiretap, Odin’s Fall, The Amber Train, Strongpoint, Extraction, Hunters and Bunker Busters have been revised and updated
  • Positions of the intel files that unlock Outlaw RAIDs has been revised and updated on Trainwreck, Wiretap, Hunters, Tiger Trap and Extraction
  • Fixed positions of some lootable crates on Extraction
  • Improved enemy AI navigation in certain parts of the Wiretap map

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the player to get stuck and be unable to move on Odin’s Fall
  • Fixed various clipping and other visual issues across many levels