RAID Content highlight - "Last Orders"

Hey Raiders!

It’s time for another content reveal!

Introducing Last Orders!

In Last Orders, the RAID Gang are assigned by Mrs White to send a personal message to the Führer himself!
That message being, everything can be taken from you - nobody and nothing is unreachable for the RAID Gang.

A convoy of trucks is headed towards “Schloss Goldschadel.” Aboard of one of these trucks is
Hitler's personal sommelier. The RAID Gang is going to ambush this convoy, kill the sommelier and grab as much delicacies and luxury items as they as they can, ultimately pissing Hitler off a lot!

This is a raid that we really had a lot of fun with during development, and that’s what the level is about as well; having fun! Pissing off Hitler is not something that will turn the tides of the war for the allies, but if the RAID Gang has any say in it, this is one of their favorite missions :)