Hello Raiders!


So, the Beta is over, and you can have a little rest from all the Nazi Raiding, but don’t rest for too long, because soon we hope you’ll be back behind enemy lines doing what you do best! shooting, stealing, and exploding, and... you know all that stuff that makes Nazis sad, and Hitler Angry!

The beta was amazing for us, and we got a lot of technical issues sorted out, you guys have helped a lot, and all your feedback and all you bug reports are being looked into. Some of them were fixed during the Beta as you saw!


What happens now? Well… we are continuing our hard work towards release. We want to make sure that the release is as smooth as possible, and that you can enjoy the game to its full extent.

Just one thing before we start talking about the future and the full release.
This is a really good video, highlighting a lot of the issues that the community in have been reporting. These types of videos are so great, we get good feedback on what you guys think, we get good feedback on why you think that, and we can move forward accordingly. There are several really good forum posts also as well that allows us to focus on community issues as we develop easier, because we want to include you, the players. After all, we are making this for you.

Thanks to Connor Shaw for the video, and thanks all of you on Reddit / Steam forums / Twitter / Facebook / Discord etc etc for the questions, suggestions and feedback.

When it comes to balancing, as some of you noted in patch 1.3, you experienced some issues. This was due to the first major overhaul of the balancing pass going into the Beta. We needed this feedback in a live environment in order to get some feedback. Don’t fret as this wasn’t the balance overhaul finished with. We took this feedback and are still working on this now!

We want to end up with something that we are proud of and that you like to play so our aim is to resolve some key issues:

Make less spongy AI, that is not difficult because they have lots of health, but rather because they are better at aiming, and faster at responding. This is something that has been balanced over the last few days since the beta and we think we are headed in a great direction.

Multiple AI tactics and behaviour so the AI doesn’t just stand, or only hoard. This was added during the BETA. Where enemies feel much better in the way they act during different situations. And now we have balanced out the distances so the AI doesn’t all group together and the tactics are starting to shine through.

We also want to make sure that the weapon upgrades give you something, you are working to earn them, so they need to grant you more power, we want you to feel the difference after you spend time upgrading your weapons.
Still quite a few bugs were fixed in the AI for that patch which you couldn’t directly see but it was all “under the hood”.

So, our way forward is going to be much easier from now on. The aim now is to continue balancing the difficulties, and make sure that the game is fun over and over, so you have a randomised, repayable experience that has AI that feels interesting.

Moving forward! Some of you got the chance to see the list of release content that will make it to the final game, and we would just like to post it here again so that everyone can see it now that the Beta is closed. We are also going to highlight a new RAID every day here, so that you guys can get some sort of sneak peek of what’s coming in the full game, so a sort of blog. We hope you enjoy these!

And again, thanks for a great beta, let’s make a great launch, and then keep working after launch making RAID better and better!

Enough talk, here is the simple list of things to expect in the full game, and come back tomorrow for more details on the RAIDS and other cool things!


11 action-packed missions sanctioned by Control where the RAID Gang take on the Nazi Army. These are a wide variety of singular missions, with each mission having its own unique scenario, theme, and objectives for the RAID Gang to overcome.


Unsanctioned missions, the RAID gangs only objective is to get rich. Find and recover enemy intel scattered throughout RAID: World War II and gain access to these lucrative missions.


These multi-legged missions are the driving force of the story line throughout RAID: World War II. Consisting of 2 campaigns of 4-6 linked missions, each leading to a climactic final showdown!


12 deadly infantry arms from Britain, Russia, Germany and the USA
3 trusty iconic sidearms for back up
5 brutal melee weapons for when things get up close and personal


Ever wanted to pick the perfect outfit for taking on a mission? Acquire up to 60 distinct visual clothing customizations all centered around the era to give your characters their own look and style.


Ok so you want to play but give your missions a twist! Customize your gameplay with over 30 unique Challenge and Booster cards. Testing your skills with Challenge Cards earn you bonus XP! While Booster Cards give you a temporary buff on those missions you find too trick and need that additional bonus.