Hey Raiders!

Welcome to this weeks patch update!

Community Fridays
Before we go into the patch update, just a note that we will be hosting a competition this coming week! Details will be released on Friday!

Community Moderators
Remember that you can also apply to be a community moderator! Details are on the Monday 27th Weekly announcement.

Below you can see the details for this weeks patch:

Active Duty Bonus
- Each day that the player logs in to the online version of their camp, they receive a reward.
- If the player continues to log in on consecutive days, the reward increases, peaking after 5 consecutive days, at which point the cycle resets.
- If the player fails to log in for a day, the cycle also resets, and they must start a new streak of consecutive logins.

- Fixed a crash, when interacting with the mission table. When the player did a raid on Hard or Very Hard and the top mission in the mission selection screen did not have these difficulties unlocked the game would crash, because the game saved the difficulty of the last played raid.
- Fixed a crash, when pressing enter on the mission unlock screen. When the player went to the missions screen after unlocking a new mission, the player would get a choice between 3 missions, upon pressing enter here without selecting any of the 3 missions the game would crash.

- Fixed a minor visual bug, when holding the sten with the Tier 2 Decrease Spread upgrade.
- Fixed an issue, where the the positioning of the left hand was wrong when operating the turret and using the double-barreled shotgun.

- Fixed a minor visual bug, where gold bar would be clipping through the boat on Forest

- Fixed an issue where the client was unable to hear the indication for the flamer. (heavey breathing)

Misc Bugs:
- Fixed an issue where the warcries were not displayed properly. All players would see that the other players would have Recon warcries although they were different classes.